We talk about mom guilt like it’s just part of the deal when we have children. And it’s especially bad when we have to say good bye to our babies.
Everything feels so out of control, so our brains immeditely want to find a reason why they died.
And the easiest target is you.
I mean, the mom is supposed to keep everyone safe, happy and healthy. It’s even on mugs and t-shirts.
But even though this pain is so very, very common and understandable, carrying the weight of mom guilt only makes life more difficult and slows us down.
But you can drop all that weight
And it’s a lot easier than you think.
In this master class, I’m going to walk you through the process and show you exactly how to
-identify the guilt you are carrying
-decide whether or not you want to keep carrying it
-put it down and leave it behind…FOR GOOD.
Are you ready to feel lighter and more confident so you can be the mom you truly want to be?
Sign up below. There are two times available for this masterclass.
If you can’t make it live, sign up anyway and I’ll send you the replay, but I highly encourage you to move some things around and take the time to come. It will be a powerful hour for you.
Wednesday, May 19 10am Pacific 11am Mountain 12pm Central 1pm Eastern
Thursday, May 20 6pm Pacific 7pm Mountain 8pm Central 9pm Eastern