Stop Feeling Paralyzed and Finally Know EXACTLY What to Do About Growing Your Family...or Not

I used to think that having a baby was as easy as wanting one, trying and waiting 9 months. And that I could plan how many children I wanted.

Then my daughter was stillborn at full term.

All of a sudden I had a much heavier decision to make.

I had so many questions:

  • Could I handle being pregnant again?
  • What if I had another loss?
  • Should I put my living children through this again?
  • Was I even healthy enough?
  • When was the right time?
  • Am I trying to replace my baby in the stars?
  • What if I actually don’t want to do this again…then what?
  • Is it giving up if I choose to stop trying to have babies?
  • I want my children to have another sibling, what happens if they don’t?
  • My partner and I disagree about what to do….now what?

It all felt so impossible to decide.  I wished someone could just tell me how things were going to turn out. Then I wouldn’t be so confused and scared.

Friend, I don’t have a crystal ball to see everything in your future. I wish I did.

I do have a solution that will help you not only feel so much more peace and confidence, but


No matter how long you have been stuck on this choice, you will be able to find your answer in just a few hours.

PLUS-make a plan for your next steps.

You are probably wondering how?

Let me tell you.

I have created an eBook just for you: the mom who has been through miscarriage, stillbirth, tfmr, infant loss, failed fertility treatment or any other kind of baby loss.


What you will get inside:

  • How to make a decision you feel rock solid about
  • How to gather the right information from the right sources (no more looking for answers in random facebook groups)
  • Questions to ask your care provider
  • How to make sure your physical, mental and emotional health is 100% taken care of
  • How to be afraid and follow through anyway
  • Ways to talk to your partner so you can actually get on the same page
  • How to make peace with where you are now so you can create the future you want
  • Come to understand that either way can be the right choice for you.

And so much more!

But the best part about this eBook is it walks you through every step and before you know it you’ll be feeling SO. MUCH. BETTER about your choice.

You don’t have to carry this weight anymore.

Click the button below and get all the answers you need to choose what to do about having another baby or not sent right to your inbox for only $9. 

Yep, just $9, less than a combo at a fast food restaurant, and you can have complete clarity and a step by step plan about what to do next. 
